A Whole New Mind

I have a running list of books that people have recommended that I read. My friend Trilby Jeeves suggested I read Daniel Pink’s A Whole New Mind, and boy, was I glad I did. We all know that our brains […]

Is E-mail Evil?

Just before Christmas, I got this in an email from a friend of mine: I’ve decided, you see, that I’m spending too much of my precious time on this planet staring at screens of one sort or another so I’m […]

1,000 True Fans

I recently read this brilliant blog post by Kevin Kelly at The Technium, and felt compelled to share it with you: One solution is to find 1,000 True Fans. While some artists have discovered this path without calling it that, […]

What I did for love

Three or so years ago, I had a business meeting with two old friends. I’ve know Kennedy Goodkey so long, I don’t even remember how we met, and Craig March and I did a really terrible play together many years […]